A spacious room decorated with a contemporary rug where a cat is lounging, a beige seating group, a pouf and two coffee tables.

The Top Trends in Contemporary Area Rugs: What's Hot and What's Not

"Contemporary design is all about embracing the present, envisioning the future, and honoring the elegance of simplicity." -Kelly Hoppen

Are you looking to give your living space a fresh and modern update? Look no further than contemporary area rugs! These versatile and stylish floor coverings have become the go-to choice for interior designers and homeowners alike. With an array of colors, patterns, and textures, contemporary area rugs can transform any room into a chic and trendy space. In this article, we will explore the top trends in contemporary area rugs, uncovering what's hot and what's not in the world of floor fashion. From bold geometric designs to soft and luxurious textures, we'll dive into the latest styles that are dominating the rug industry. So, whether you're planning a complete room makeover or simply want to add a touch of sophistication to your home, join us as we unveil the must-have contemporary area rug trends of the moment. Get ready to elevate your interior décor game to a whole new level!

Delano Bohemian/Global Ivory Area Rug
Delano Bohemian/Global Ivory Area Rug

Patterns and Motifs in Contemporary Area Rugs


When it comes to patterns and motifs, contemporary area rugs offer a wide range of options to suit every style and preference. However, two elements stand out:

1. Geometric Design: 


One of the popular patterns in contemporary area rugs is the geometric design. Geometric patterns, such as chevron, herringbone, and diamond shapes, add a modern and structured look to any room. These patterns can be bold and eye-catching or subtle and understated, depending on your preference.

Ercolano Modern Dark Blue Area Rug
Ercolano Modern Dark Blue Area Rug

2. Use of Nature-inspired Motifs:


From botanical prints to animal patterns, rugs featuring nature-inspired motifs bring a touch of the outdoors into your home. Whether you choose a contemporary area rug with delicate floral designs or a rug with bold animal prints, these rugs add a sense of freshness and vitality to your living space. Nature-inspired rugs are perfect for those who want to create a calming and serene atmosphere in their home.

Toulon Transitional Lime Area Rug
Toulon Transitional Lime Area Rug

Color Trends in Contemporary Area Rugs


Colors play a crucial role in the overall design of a room, and contemporary area rugs offer a wide range of color options to suit every taste and style -beyond the imagination.

 Delburen Modern Saffron Area Rug
 Delburen Modern Saffron Area Rug
  • Vibrant Energy


    One of the current color trends in contemporary area rugs is the use of vibrant and bold hues. Bright colors, such as vibrant blues, bold reds, and rich yellows, add a pop of energy and excitement to any space. These rugs are perfect for those who want to make a bold statement and create a focal point in their room.


  • The Power of Neutral


    On the other hand, neutral colors are also popular in contemporary area rugs. Shades of gray, beige, and ivory create a calm and sophisticated atmosphere in a room. Neutral rugs are versatile and timeless, making them a safe choice for those who prefer a more understated look. These rugs can easily complement any color scheme and interior style.

Bawtry Modern Light Gray Area Rug
Bawtry Modern Light Gray Area Rug

Contemporary Area Rug Sizes and Shapes


Contemporary area rugs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, allowing you to find the perfect rug for any room in your home. One of the popular rug sizes is the 8x10 feet rug. This size is versatile and works well in living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. It provides enough coverage to define a seating area or anchor a dining table.

Miette Modern Dark Brown Area Rug
Miette Modern Dark Brown Area Rug

Another popular rug size is the runner rug. Runner rugs are long and narrow, making them ideal for hallways, entryways, and kitchens. These rugs not only add style to your space but also protect your floors from wear and tear. Fortunately, runner rugs can be found in various lengths and widths, allowing you to choose the perfect size for your specific needs.


In terms of rug shapes, rectangular rugs are the most common and versatile. They work well in most rooms and can be easily layered with furniture. However, contemporary area rugs also come in round and square shapes, which add a unique and unexpected element to your space. While round rugs are perfect for creating a cozy seating area or adding visual interest to a corner, square rugs can be used to define a specific area within a larger room.

Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Options in Contemporary Area Rugs


With an increasing focus on sustainability and environmental consciousness, many rug manufacturers are now offering sustainable and eco-friendly options in contemporary area rugs. These rugs are made from natural and renewable materials, such as organic cotton, jute, and bamboo. They are free from harmful chemicals and dyes, making them a safe and eco-friendly choice for your home.

Besancon Modern Tan Area Rug
Besancon Modern Tan Area Rug

In addition to the materials used, sustainable rugs are also produced using environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. These processes minimize waste, reduce energy consumption, and promote fair labor practices. By choosing a sustainable and eco-friendly rug, you can not only enhance the style of your home but also contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. And the good news is that there are washable choices available, which not only protect the environment but also make your life easier, accommodating your style and preferences.

Contemporary Area Rugs: Embracing the New Age of Style


As the world of interior design continues to evolve, so do the trends in contemporary area rugs. From bold patterns and vibrant colors to sustainable and eco-friendly options, contemporary area rugs offer endless possibilities for creating a stylish and modern living space. Whether you prefer a minimalist and understated look or a bold and eclectic style, there is a contemporary area rug out there that will perfectly complement your taste and enhance the overall design of your home.

So, why not go ahead and explore the latest trends in contemporary area rugs?

Embrace the power of a well-chosen rug to transform your living space into a chic and trendy haven with Mark & Day. The future of contemporary area rugs is bright, and with the right rug, your home can be too.

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